ThisIsFine stands as one of the most instantly recognizable memes on the internet and has effortlessly found its place within the crypto community.


Our goal is to ensure that ThisISFine $TIF, being one of the funniest and most recognisable memes in existence, has a place amongst the meme coins in the top 100 market cap

It's a shame that some projects failed using this meme but we will try our best, dedicate our time and effort to make it whole and to do justice to one of the funniest memes ever. If 100xdogs, pooh's, booh's, bob's, mong's, clams and shrimps have a place in top 100, theres no way that one of the most hilarious memes can't reach it too.

The rise of meme coins has been a surprising twist for many long-term crypto investors, with many expecting the trend to die down along with the memes that the coins were inspired by. However, a decade after the first meme coin (DOGE) was created, this category continues to flourish.

Meme coins might sound and appear funny, but they had the biggest ROI (at the individual peaks) in the 2021 bull run. Thanks to dogecoin's success, meme coins quickly proliferated. Before this wide-blown success, a couple of projects similar to dogecoin have existed and served the same purpose - fun and community participation.

Pepe's fair launch and transparancy set up a precedent on how to do it right and we would like to thank them for paving the way for other projects.

How to Buy




NO TAXES, just switch, it's this easy and don't worry - ThisIsFine!

90% of the tokens were sent to the liquidity pool, LP tokens were burnt and the contract is renounced.

The remaining 6.9% of the supply is being held in a multi-sig wallet only to be used as tokens for future exchange listings and liquidity pools.

The wallet is trackable via Etherscan


$TIF coin has no association with K.C. Green's web comic strip "On Fire," or his creation Question Hound. This token is simply paying homage to one of the most hilarious memes ever. $TIF is a meme coin for entertainment purposes only.


It's simple - top 100 coins!


// Website : tif.dog

// Twitter : @ThisIsFine_TIF

// Telegram : @ThisIsFine_TIF

// Discord : @ThisIsFine_TIF